This website and the content it contains are a collaborative project of the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) and numerous community partners and individuals. The intended audience is researchers, data managers, and repository users working in the environmental science and management fields.
The website
This website is managed and maintained by the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)
For general inquiries, contact us at:
Current maintainers
Gregory Maurer (gmaurer@nmsu.edu)
Colin Smith (colin.smith@wisc.edu)
Content on this website is created and published using Quarto. All source files are managed in the EDIorg/data-package-best-practices
GitHub repository, and rendered web pages are hosted by GitHub Pages or Netlify. The main
branch of the repository renders to the current production website, and the prerelease
branch renders to a prerelease website for new content and documents under review or development. See the repository README or Contributing page for more details.
Contributors to the guides
All of the dataset preparation guides presented here have been developed and written by a collaborative community of scientists, data managers, and repository users. This community draws heavily from the Information Management Committee of the the U.S. Long-term Ecological Research Network (LTER), data specialists and curators at EDI, and numerous partners in the environmental research and data management communities.
Many individuals from the community described above have contributed to these guides over the years. Individual contributors are listed in the title page, citation information, and/or document metadata for each guide. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the maintainers if anyone has been overlooked, or if information needs to be corrected.
If you would like to contribute, please read the Contributing page and contact the maintainers or representatives from the current working groups below.
Community working groups
The ideas, words, and recommendations in these guides came to fruition as a result of many community working groups convening over periods of months to years. Below is a non-exhaustive list of these current and past working groups and their contacts. Don’t hesitate to reach out to working group contacts if you would like to participate.
- EML Best Practices Working Group
- In existence 2004-present
- Contact: Greg Maurer (gmaurer@nmsu.edu)
- Current active members (2022-present): Corinna Gries (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Gabriel Kamener (Florida International University), Sage Lichtenwalner (Rutgers University), Mary Martin (University of New Hampshire), Gregory E. Maurer (New Mexico State University), Margaret O’Brien (University of California, Santa Barbara), John H. Porter (University of Virginia), Tim Whiteaker (University of Texas at Austin)
- Past members: Dan Bahauddin (University of Minnesota), Barbara Benson, Emery Boose (Harvard University), James Brunt (University of New Mexico), Duane Costa (University of New Mexico), Jason Downing (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Don Henshaw (Oregon State University), Jeanine McGann (LNO), Margaret O’Brien (University of California, Santa Barbara), Ken Ramsey (New Mexico State University), Inigo San Gil (University of New Mexico), Mark Servilla (University of New Mexico), Wade Sheldon, Phillip Tarrant, Theresa Valentine, John Vande Castle (LNO), Kristin Vanderbilt (University of New Mexico), Jonathan Walsh, Yang Xia (Kansas State University)
- Online materials in Google Drive
- Non-tabular Data Working Group
- Active from 2019-2021
- Contact: Corinna Gries (cgries@wisc.edu)
- Members: Stace Beaulieu (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute), Renée F. Brown (University of New Mexico), Jason Downing (University of Alaska, Fairbanks), Sarah Elmendorf (University of Colorado Boulder), Hap Garritt (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute), Gastil Gastil-Buhl (University of California Santa Barbara), Corinna Gries (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Hsun-Yi Hseih (Michigan State University), Li Kui (University of California Santa Barbara), Mary Martin (University of New Hampshire), Gregory E. Maurer (New Mexico State University), An T. Nguyen (University of Texas at Austin), John H. Porter (University of Virginia), Adam Sapp (University of Georgia), Mark Servilla (University of New Mexico), Tim Whiteaker (University of Texas at Austin)
- Online materials in Google Drive